3 Tips on How to Harmonize:
1. Pick a simple song and learn the main melody line really well. 2. It can be the same song
1. Pick a simple song and learn the main melody line really well. 2. It can be the same song
Increasing your range takes time and intention. Just like you don’t just do the splits overnight. It’s a process. You
The key reason why people sing fine by themselves is because they are relaxed. To sing your best, you need
Your throat hurts when you sing most likely because you’re not breathing correctly and using your core to produce the
There is quite a lot of controversy on what’s the correct breathing technique. After years of training and performing myself,
Projection as a lot to do with where your power is. Are you using your throat to produce the sound
Do you often crack between registers? Every person has a break between their registers. If you haven’t already, please read
Low notes can be just as hard to sing as your high notes but in a different way. Many people
The key to singing high notes is firstly believing you can. Many of my students come thinking they can’t hit